Tuesday, September 13, 2005

[wow] april?! it's been a very long time. helas, summer has come and gone, and while i try to live the last of it with a rushed camping trip, i have to succumb to fall as the goose bumps start appearing on me arms.

so it has been the craziest summer. if you're reading this, you probably also receive my monthly photo albums. well, at least you know i'm alive and VERY much living. i have been spoilt with wonderful friends, fine food, and the warmth of my family and loved ones.

anyhoo, as my 24th year has come, so has a pensive disposition. so perhaps the blogging will restart.

oh yeah, and i hafta pay tribute, after all this time, to andy chang! who got me started on blogging to begin with. thanks :) it's nice to know when i can't see andy face to face, there is always his blog. not quite the closest substitute, but we do what we can, right?

ta for now :)