[shopping is good for the soul] y'know after a long day of sorts.. or just.. after a day, it's so therepeutic to browse in stores. naturally, the likelihood of spending more money increases by mounds, but for some reason, it's also very comforting -- and that, my friend, is insurmountable value right there.
[personal social responsibility strategies] i haven't spoken of this class very much, but i really should because it's had a profound effect on me. or i hope it will anyways =) honestly though, it's the only class i've taken at the business school that i have really felt connected to. the subject material really strikes a chord with me, and it's made me think a lot about being a better person along with trying to make better, more socially responsible businesses! many of my high school friends would say this is my "yi-ching" -- the essence of di -- because it's all about doing good.. somehow... somewhere. lately though, i don't know if i've been spreading that charma around enough =T
so anyhoo, we got an assignment due after spring break, which our professor touts, will take longer than a night to do if we want to get a good grade. hehe (don't all professors say that?!). it's a paper/mobile/interactive game on my personal social responsibility strategies. what are my core competencies? and what have i done with them in the community? the great thing about this assignment and this class, is that it doesn't shout philanthrophy -- instead it shouts practicality -- how do you integrate a company's core competencies and business goals with responsible business strategies. i think it's a great realm, and one of these days.. just maybe i'll make a career out of it somehow. so yah -- much like with my Lentian duties -- i have to think about and search within for what i believe. our professor gave us an example of this one girl who found a lot of dichotimies with her personal SR strategies. for example, she loves wildlife and outdoors, and is environmentally friendly, but the last time she went backpacking or hiking was a year ago. similarly, she loves and values her family, but she's always tardy with their birthday presents when they're supposed to symbols to honor them on their day. so it's just all very interesting and tantalizing for me =)
just in case anyone is interested, it's a ba 196 class taught by professor kellie mcelhaney. she is a new professor from umich, and is *awesome* i tell you. =)
[tornado time] looks like a storm is coming... =P
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