[it's 2005] i never really liked years that were odd - isn't that funny? i definitely have an affinity towards even numbered years, though i have a soft spot for 1999 :D
anyhoo - my coworker, thomas, accused me of being a tea person. he went to get coffee and asked me if i wanted any, but i told him i'd already had my chai latte for the day. he's from denmark, and doesn't know what chais are, as they've become hugely popular here in the US. "so you're a tea person", he says. i said - i like to only have one coffee today - and that's in the morning. i don't know if it actually works for me chemically, but psychologically, i like drinking it. so i started telling him about how i started off drinking coffee socially, and that i'd never actually drink coffee. i'd go to coffee, but order tea. until junior year of college, when i discovered sufficient ground's white chocolate mocha. now i would never touch that sugar, chocolate, caffeine-loaded drink again, but boy, was it good! i've always loved the smell of coffee.. and it didn't take me long before i had regular coffee with milk, but on an every day basis - only once a day.
now what i found surprising was that i couldn't figure out a rebuttal to why too much caffeine was bad. thomas asked me why i drank tea the rest of the day, and i said that too much caffeine wasn't good for you - it dries you out, you get addicted to it, and that is bad. he said, "so?? just keep drinking it". and after that, i didn't know what to say! he gets bad headaches if he doesn't get his coffee fix. i said, "seee? isn't that bad??", and he just shook it off, "so i just try and find some coffee".
it was just an interesting point of view to come from. part of me was like, YEAH, why don't i just drink coffee? i guess, it's a good thing i enjoy all sorts of warm beverages :)
2005 resolutions? i'll stick to my 1 coffee a day, thanks :) other than the usual cookie cutter new year's resolutions of saving more money and contributing more to my community, i really can't think of anything. i'm always trying to be a better friend, daughter, sister, and girlfriend - it doesn't take the new year to make me think about that - so what else can i do? get a double promotion at work? eh, i'd rather keep my work-life balance. if you can think of something creative and contributes to the general good of the world, please let me know. i like ripple effects :)
other than that - happy new year to everyone i haven't wished happy new year to personally. i'm super jetlagged right now, and though it's kind of pleasant to not rush my morning coffee and internet surfing in the morning, i can't wait for the days of more than 5 hours of sleep again.
zzzzzz out. :D
think of it as... diversification. just as our investment portfolios must be diversified to reduce our beta, so must our caffeine be diversified to reduce the 'boring beta.'
drink one cup of coffee in the morning
one cup of tea in the afternoon
one coke in the evening
pop in a caffeine pill at night
and take in a caffeine drip intravenously while you sleep!
someone should write to starbucks and let them know of this idea. it's worth millions! millions! ..::begin spastic nose twitch now::..
yeah, then people from denmark would be walking zombies. as if we don't have enough of those.
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