[consumer heaven or hell?] if i learned anything from my four years of economics in high school, it's that consumer sovereignty is a PLUS. that's one of the great things about being in a free market system, and it's one of the traits that all economies should aspire to right? ehhhhhhhhhhh. last night, i spent (wasted?) a good two hours of my evening surfing through internet and cable companies.. now for convenience, all i really wanted was a cable company that could provide me with DSL as well so that i wouldn't hafta pay a gazillion million bills. my other criteria was that it be affordable and that it had the option to purchase the nba league pass, for b of course =) and helloooo there are just too many options! but none of them fall precisely into the box that i have made =( so there's comcast.. there's castle cable.. there's at&t.. there's direct tv.. and for internet there's yahoo!sbc, there's at&t, there's also comcast.. and what else? good grief, someone save me.
[hachoo] di has the sniffles. stay away from her!
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