[empty house, empty mind] so the last of my roommates moved out today, and now the house is empty. actually i lie. one of the new girls has moved in, and it's just so weird to be living with someone i don't know. yes, she is undoubtedly a very cool girl, but she is 2 years younger than me, and i imagine we don't have much in common. di can't wait to move to her very own place =)
[ridiculous] that i have a midterm next week. hahahaha. oh sigh.
[lost momentum] either my mind is failing me or i have lost all momentum to write. i remember thinking all these quirky things that i saw this past weekend that i would share with my limited audience, but i can't remember jack! but here is what i learnt about other people: there are some people who just hate the sound of silence. they will talk about anything and everything, even maybe make up stories, just to fill up the silence. there is nothing wrong with silence, and *not* filling it up is overrated sometimes... perhaps one of the greatest signs of how progressive your relationship is with someone is the fact that you can sit in silence with them without the discomfort. dontcha think? another thing i learnt about people is that when faced freebies, kids say thank you and adults don't. haha =) just something small i picked up from a few street fairs this weekend..
[very excited] about the diana krall concert at yoshi's this week. it should be kick ass. hope everything is having a great summer!
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