Sunday, October 24, 2004

[i'm back] not to sound totally melodramatic, but i survived the barrage of turkey legs sprawled all over the campus floors, the stench of turkey insides, and the boredom that comes with living in modesto for 2 and a half weeks. *WOOHOO!*

i guess i take living in a city for granted a lot - i mean, i KNOW that the lives we live here are very different and somewhat extravagant compared to people who live 2 hours south. but i hafta say, that living in a city at least makes some of us aware and exposed. at least i know that cows and chickens live out there and what the average sized ranch is. but apparently, those who live 2 hours south don't even realize that there are big buildings in the city. not surprising, they get claustrophobic in their company :D interesting eh.

we shall see how much better fresno is next month...

[second steve's notion] only a year out of school, and boy oh boy do i feel WAY old :( as always, my perfect amount of sleep is 7 hours. :D

[more sports] anyone playing fantasy basketball this season?

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