Monday, November 08, 2004

[pop and splat] i don't get it. why do bugs insist on flying in my drive path? aren't they supposed to be chilling on some plant or on some fertile earth or something? the latter strip down the 99-South is just *filled* with them! even with my music on, i'll hear a *SPLAT* or *POP* from time to time, and even though i so diligently wiped my windshield about halfway there, my windshield was still filled with joyous bug guts. eeeeeeeeew do bugs never learn??

[help me name a food club] so a couple of us have started this food club. but we don't want to call it that. it's lame. what else can we call it?? our activities basically consist of: cook food for friends, eat food with friends, plan future meetings to cook and eat with friends! we're trying to foster learning foods of different origins and recipe-sharing :) heehee. it's really very cool - but now we need an equally cool name.

[still in the central valley] so if you didn't guess from my 1st post - i'm still in the middle of nowhere. 14 days and counting....

1 comment:

Aileen said...

SASI (pronounced sassy) - Soup and Salad International :-P