[back to reality] it's been less than a week since i lived a very charming life in europe, and there is nothing like a good dose of vacuuming, laundry, 256 emails waiting, and bills to pay to shake you back to... life!
actually, it feels pretty good. too many plush rolling green hills and errand-less days can't be good for me, can they?
actually, it feels pretty good. too many plush rolling green hills and errand-less days can't be good for me, can they?

[fashion fix] for anyone that knows me, you know that one of my hobbies is fashion. can i just say i looooove loooooooove loooooooooove my new purple intreciatto pleated bottega bag? fall here i come! i haven't been able to find a photo of it online, but once i break the zipper seal and bust it out of its duster bag, i will let you know!
[a simple me update] after a whirlwind of a summer in houston, atlanta, phoenix, italy, and germany, i think it's time to pick up wedding planning where i left off. we're at 8.5 months and counting till the big day! who knew that there were 8 bajillion ways to word an RSVP or to extend a simple invitation to my loved ones?
[ok enough] of me rambling. i am boring myself, and am feeling a desire to post, but uninspired to write. i blame the delicious grass fed beef sliders we just made. oof.
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