Tuesday, December 17, 2002

[yay to the blog?] so some of my friends are really excited that i've started this. now in all honestly, i had a little trepidation starting one before because i kept thinking to myself "who am i to think that i'm so important that someone will actually want to read about me?" i mean, that's still a question i have, but y'know what, if you're ever going to do anything in life, it's for you and not for other people. so yes, think i'm vain. think i'm obscure. gosh darnit, you can think i'm a rambling raccoon, but as far as anything goes, i just like talking to myself, ok? =D kekeke, just kidding. and besides, if anyone can extract even a wink or a smile from this, then it really makes its existence worth it. and it makes me happy too =D so again, here it is. for me. for you. for everyone.

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